Borderline - Mt. Akagi

I have been moving across various gborderlinesh.

Those are seen clearly, but sometimes very fuzzy.
From Japan to the States, crossed it by driving to Mexico,
Strait of Gibraltar between Eurasia and Africa,
and 10km width of border between Finland and Russia.

And now the glineh has become stronger than ever.

The plan to visit Ladakh was canceled,
and resuming the project at the Karelia region of Finland is uncertain.
Moreover, we have to be calm and reluctant to travel to other towns including Tokyo.

It has been 3 and half years since I moved to Gunma. Although I started feeling that the lines between other people are the harder ones to cross,
physical lines have become concrete and realistic.

Recently, I realized that there is a river called gSanzuh*
I went to see the river, but it is dried up for some parts, and so narrow that I can jump to cross.

I come up in thought of the opposite side by looking the sceneries like water surface with light reflection, dried up ground, or scattered round rocks,
through the lens - or seeing the lines we call river and light beams.

How are the people who have gone to the other side?

* Sanzu River is the name of the imaginary river in Buddhism thought, which divides the world of living and after death.
